I just wanted everyone to know, especially the Vegas subscribers, that I had to go to the DMV to get a new Driver's License today. I even had to take a written test, get a new photo, etc....
9:05 am- Time I left my house.
10:20 am- Time I arrived back to my snow-covered, yet very warm home.
An hour and 15 minutes is much better than the 6 hours I spent in a Las Vegas DMV a few years ago. This reason alone ALMOST makes up for this town not having a Target.
I am so glad you love it there... because I can really tell that you love it there. Aaaah. I love small towns. They are the best!
Was Anthem good for the cat-sitter while you were at the DMV? What grade did he get in litter box usage?
I'm glad you like a small town. I don't even know if your tales of short DMV lines can lure me out of my city life. Come on, no TARGET? How do you live? And just to rub it in, they built a Kohl's right down the road on Deer Springs and 5th and I hear they will be building a Target right there too.... you sure you don't want to come back.
I was gone for such a short amount of time that I didn't even have to get a cat-sitter, but if I did, Anthem always gets and A++.
You left your cat home alone? Can you excuse me while I call animal protective services.
Ok, fine everyone; I miss Vegas right now. But not because of the shopping alone. Mostly because it was 9 degrees when I woke up this morning. Not 29 or 39 or even 19; just 9 degrees.
-5 is worse
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