Tyler and his little Tennessee fan. Go Vol's. Tyler takes Addy outside to play just about every evening. He is a hit with all the neighborhood kids. When he pulls up from work, the kids line up at the garage and ask when he and the baby will be out to play. They never ask when if I can come play though?????????
Against her daddy's wishes, Addy loves the kitties. She follows them around everywhere and they all play together.
I love winter clothes, especially fuzzy boots. It didn't really make sense to own fuzzy boots in Vegas. But, now that we live in the frozen tundra, Addy and I went shopping for fuzzy boots. Tyler came too, but couldn't find any in his size =).
I am always relieved to find something that will keep Addy entertained. Last week was coloring (which is hilarious, by the way), this week is bubbles.